Adding Fediverse Links

Thursday, 29th August 2024

Lot's going on with this page at the moment as I slowly work through redesigning the entire page, again. Honestly, I think this might just be a constant ongoing thing, everytime I learn some new HTML or CSS feature and want to incorporate it into the page.

Todays update though, is the simple addition of two little icons linking to my Mastodon and Pixelfed profiles. I'm new to both services, especially Pixelfed as of mere days ago, but increasingly think that there (and here) is where I'll be on the internet going forward.

Like most, i have a Facebook profile, and an Instagram profile, and inevitably now a Threads profile. But using Meta services continually just feels...eugh? Instagram used to be a really nice way to share and explore interesting photography, and now it's just...not. It just feels like a short-form Facebook, and I don't realluy want that. So here's hoping Pixelfed can be more liek Instagram was in the pre-Meta, iOS-only days.