Background Work

Thursday, 18th July 2024

It's been a few days since I've been able to update here, or to update the site. I've been away for a few days with the day job, and then life just generally happened and ate up the spare time I have to do this. Not to say I haven't been busy here just not been able to make as much progress as I'd like. Not to say though, that I haven't made any progress at all.

In the background, I've gone back and re-worked the structure of the sites files, to something that makes a little more sense and will hopefully be more wieldy as the site grows. I'd been tossing all the blog entry pages into one folder, and it was already looking untidy, so I've built a new hierarchy for them. Also looking untidy was most of the html code I'd already written. Because I was so busy trying to figure out what I actually needed to write, I'd not given much attention to how I'd written much of it. As such much of it looked messy, with slack indentation and nesting and so on. This was especially making it tricky to go back in and see in the code where I needed to add for change elements. So, I've pretty much gone back in and rewritten all of the code for the homepage and blog page ,and for the template for blog entries so it's just a lot tidier.

I guess a complete rewrite of a site is probably something to do when it's alit more mature, but hey, you can't build on poor foundations, right?

That gave me the chance to add a few new things along the way, a change of fonts, some layout changes, adding a little colour etc. I'm not saying this is by any means the finished design of the site, and certainly not that I'm any sort of designer. But foe now it gives me a little more structure to use, as I try out new techniques and code ideas that I learn along the way. Including little things already, like adding a basic favicon to the site. Because who doesn't love favicons!

It's also given me a long list of 'how do I do X or Y?'' questions that I've picked up along the way, and that's the most interesting part. The first of those is probably, how i do create a persistent menu for all these blog entries that doesnt require creating new relative link from each page, depending on the hierarchy the html file is in?