And then there was CSS
Thursday, 30th June 2024
This is now my fourth blog entry on this site. In the previous posts, i've written a first blog post in some basic, unstyled HTML. I've then added some simple bits and pieces; a table, and some images. All of it has understandably looked really plain, as it's all been written in simple HTML.
Now that i've got the structure of some simple posts in place, I'm going to add some CSS to help these pages look a little bit more interesting. Starting with this one. Hopefully, with each subsequent post, I'll experiment with, develop and refine this CSS styling.
So, all i've done on this page is link the pages HTML file to a CSS file with some really basic instructions for setting the colour and font of the text, center align the text and add some blocks of background colour. It's pretty crude but hey, we're moving on from black text Times New Roman, so that's something!
I'm not going to add this styling to the previous blog posts. I think I want them to stay plain, as an example of where I am at skill-wise at this point. Spoiler: as of 13th September i've completely changed my mind and have restyled everything on the site!
Lastly for today, i've taken the time to clean up the main Blog page. Originally, the page just held a list of links to each blog post as they were published. This was done by simply adding consecutive links to the page. I've tidied that up a little by moving those links into an ordered list.
This seems to not only look better on the page, but makes for some cleaner more orderly code too, I think.
Heres what it originally looked like.

Here's what it looks like now;

Here's the original code;

Finally, here's the new code, with the links within an unordered list