The Walking

Promo banner for the TV series The Walking Dead: Daryl Dixon

Ah. The Walking Dead TV show. Like it's titular protagonists, it just never quite really dies, does it?

I had intended to give up on The Walking Dead, I really had. I'd been with the show since the minute Rick Grimes woke up, way back in Season 1 in 2010(!). The first few series were truly excellent, and that quality stayed high right up until somewhere until Season 6 or 7. (Why'd they have to do Abraham dirty like that??) Still I stuck with it through Rick's departure in Season 9, and even as the show limped on to its anticlimactic conclusion with Season 11. It seems I was one of very few, as the shows viewer numbers cratered after Season 7.

I had high hopes for the first spin-off, Fear the Walking Dead, debuting as it did whilst the main series was riding high. The initial premise of following a dysfunctional family navigating the early days of the outbreak was appealing But by series 3 that show too staggered off into convoluted, confusing and incoherent storylines (Daniels Alzheimers/fugues state/PTSD??) and failed to keep it's best characters (John Dorie!). Still, ever the glutton for punishment I persisted with that show too, for all 8 increasingly pointless seasons.

So that was it, after 13 years, and 20 seasons of TV, I was finally finished with The Walking Dead. Put a pointy thing through my head, I was done.

But then AMC went and released a min-series, The Walking Dead: The Ones Who Live. Shit title aside, I was curious, against my better judgement, to see just what exactly happened to Rick after that bridge exploded. The answer turned out to not be particularly exciting, but was well enough told and it was good to see Rick back. With that last dangling plot line finally tied up, I was happy to let this particularly zombie universe rest.

Then of course AMC released another mini-series The Walking Dead: Daryl Dixon. And well, another six episodes won't hurt. After all, who wouldn't be intrigued by Daryl Dixon, in France, escorting a nun and her zombie apocalypse messiah nephew (obviously!) to the Mont St. Michel. I was.

And well, it was actually pretty good. And now there's a season 2, and I appear to be back in again. Damn you everliving zombieswalkers!….